
Trainings at Accso

High-quality knowledge from the field. From experts. Communicated in an understandable and application-oriented way.
Eine Gruppe von 9 Personen sitzt um zwei Tische herum. Im Fokus steht eine Frau im weißen Shirt, die etwas auf einem Flip-Chart erklärt.
Sechs personen sitzen rund um einen Tisch auf dem ein Plakat mit bunten Post-its liegt.

We know from experience: For individual development and project success, you sometimes need external impetus. And that is exactly what we offer.

Our team from the fields of software engineering and co-creation passes on its many years of experience and extensive knowledge in training courses. Individually, in groups or company-exclusively. Always tailored to the needs of our customers.

Benefit from our know-how

iSAQB FLEX TrainingArchitecture

As certified experts, we offer iSAQB training courses for the FLEX advanced level module. The iSAQB is the International Software Architecture Qualification Board. With programs such as Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA) as well as Foundation and Advanced Level, it sets the standards for training and certification in the field of software architecture. Accso has been actively involved in the iSAQB for many years, for example in portfolio design in the iSAQB Strategy Council or in exchanges in meetups.

To the training

From analysis to solutionSolution methods

A two-day bootcamp of solution methods. At Accso, we help you to solve your specific challenges and problems. Our consulting model involves four successive phases: Analysis, solution identification, presentation of recommendations and implementation. For each phase, we have skills in consulting methodology: process models and methods tailored to the client's needs in order to deal with the tasks efficiently.

To the training

Everything Miro or what?Collaboration

Master Miro in four hours. As a digital collaboration platform, Miro offers users countless possibilities for remote and distributed collaboration in teams. But how exactly does Miro work? This training course teaches you everything you need to know to work successfully with Miro.

To the training

Workshop MechanicsWorkshop design

Make yourself independent of the oversupply of ready-made methods and learn how to develop workshops yourself according to the situation! Workshops are an indispensable part of project work. From clarifying objectives to preparation, moderation and processing the results: There are a few tips and tricks you can use to make your workshops simpler and more targeted. And this will significantly increase the added value that can be created.

To the training

Our trainers

Dr. Kristine Schaal


Kristine Schaal Freigestellt

Martin Lehmann


Martin Lehmann Freigestellt

Do you have questions about our training courses or are you interested in organizing them for your team?

Contact our trainers!