

Free knowledge about IT and software engineering, because know-how is best when it is shared.
Aurelius Play
Markus Voß Mesh Freigestellt

High-quality IT content

Logo academyA mit einem weißen, stilisierten 'A' und einem Punkt davor auf dunkelblauem Hintergrund. Darüber ein grünes Banner mit dem Schriftzug 'academy' und einem leuchtenden Effekt an der Spitze.

Let the camera roll!

academy.A provides comprehensive instructional videos, podcasts and training modules for anyone interested in software engineering and IT. In the videos, experts explain individual IT topics within a few minutes using application examples - with a focus on tips and tricks from everyday project work. The knowledge channel supports the Sustainable Development Goals by providing free access to knowledge as well as special quality assurance and educational support. The content follows the principles of professional science communication and is part of the computer science course at Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.


In addition to a large video portfolio in German, we are working on a growing English offering.

academyA BeST Practices

The Hosts

Founder (academy.A), Honorary Professor (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences), Founder & Managing Director (Accso GmbH)

Prof. Dr. Markus Voß

More about Markus Voß
Founder (academy.A), lecturer (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences)

M.Sc. Aurelius Lie

More about Aurelius Lie