We are awarded

Accso as employer

Whether as a "Great Place To Work" or a "family-friendly employer" - we always receive feedback on our corporate culture and working methods. Both from Accsonauts directly from the team and from independent institutions.
Mehrere Hände legen sich übereinander in einer symbolischen Geste für Teamwork und Zusammenhalt. Die Hände sind mit Kreide bestäubt.
GPTW Triple Auszeichnungen für Accso im Jahr 2024

    What our team says

    Since 2013, we have been rated above average compared to the industry average. That makes us proud!

    kununu Score
    To the kununu rating

    We are a Great Place To Work

    We have been repeatedly recognized as a Great Place To Work for four years in a row. We take the results of the employee survey very seriously and use them to derive measures to improve the working atmosphere - if there are points that are mentioned more frequently.

    GPTW2023 Accso Auszeichnung jubelnde Gruppe mit Accso Schild auf der Preisverleihung
    GPTW Triple Auszeichnungen für Accso im Jahr 2024

    What is Great Place To Work?

    Great Place to Work® is an international research and consulting company that supports companies worldwide in analyzing their corporate culture. This is done on the basis of anonymous surveys and an analysis of personnel measures as part of a culture audit. The survey topics include trust in managers, team spirit, fairness, appreciation, respect and identification with the company. Particularly excellent employers are recognized each year.

    Ein roter und orangefarbener Würfel mit der Aufschrift ‚Great Place To Work‘ steht auf einem Schreibtisch. Die Auszeichnung symbolisiert ein ausgezeichnetes Arbeitsumfeld.

    Our team is interviewed anonymously

    The "Great Place to Work® Certified" certification program of the international research and consulting institute focuses on a company's special commitment to developing its workplace culture. This is awarded on the basis of anonymous feedback from employees and an analysis of HR measures in accordance with a secure procedure.

    We have signed the German Diversity Charter

    In July 2023, we signed the Diversity Charter and are committed to promoting diversity in the workplace. We take the objectives of the charter seriously and have already passed several diversity challenges.

    Fünf Personen sitzen auf Holzbänken vor einer großen, bunten Flagge, die Elemente der Pride-Flagge enthält. Sie sind lässig gekleidet und lächeln in die Kamera.
    Drei Accsonaut:innen im Accso Büro in Darmstadt neben einem Equality Rollup

    Challenges of the Diversity Charter

    Our first Charter Challenge took place to coincide with Diversity Day. To coincide with this, we organized a film evening at all locations.

    This movie night was initiated by our Diversity Network. As part of this working group, we have been dealing with the question of how we as Accso can promote diversity for several years. More about our networks

    Other diversity campaigns

    Raising awareness is particularly important to us in order to promote diversity and strengthen understanding of it. To this end, we exchange ideas with other companies and bring diversity to life through various activities. Whether lectures, talks or joint movie nights: We strengthen our understanding of diversity both internally and externally. For these measures, we were also recognized by the german newspaper F.A.Z. as a role model for diversity and won third place.

    Moderne Sitzecke in einem offenen Büro mit gemütlichen Sesseln, einem Sofa und einer progressiven Pride-Flagge am Fenster.

    We are a family-friendly employer

    Reconciling family and career is important to us. These values are firmly anchored in our work culture. We are all the more pleased that this commitment to mothers and fathers is repeatedly honored by various institutions.

    Eine Gruppe von Menschen jubelt und lacht gemeinsam in einem modernen Büro vor einer bunten Wand mit dem Schriftzug 'Accso'. Sie zeigen verschiedene Gesten wie Hochreißen der Arme oder Faustheben.