

Welcome from southern Hesse! Our head office and founding location has been in the science city of Darmstadt since 2010. This is where we work, network and celebrate. What makes us special? The overall office concept was planned and implemented by Accsonaut:innen for Accsonaut:innen. Whether OpenSpace, smaller office spaces or retreat corners - our headquarters enable collaborative work for everyone!
Außenaufnahme des Accso-Büros in Darmstadt
Drei bunte Sessel im Open Space im Darmstädter Accso Büro
Where it all began

Our main location in Hilpertstraße

Our Accso headquarters have been located at Hilpertstraße 12 in Darmstadt for four years. As part of our "Beautiful Living" working group, Accsonauts have created their ideal workplace. This means that we have created a place that invites creative collaboration with various workspaces and excellent facilities. In addition to OpenSpace, meeting rooms, small group offices and a kitchen, there is plenty of space for workshops, meet-ups and after-work events.


Hilpertstraße 12, Darmstadt, 64283, Hessen, Hessen, Deutschland