Digitale Transformation

Organizational Consulting

Many companies are faced with the challenge of creating efficient structures and making their own organization fit for the future. Our experts will support you in this task. Solution-oriented. Cooperative. Innovative.
Ein großes Fischschwarm schwimmt im offenen, blauen Ozean. Die Fische bewegen sich synchron in dichten Formationen, die den Eindruck eines lebendigen, sich ständig verändernden Musters erzeugen. Das Licht durchdringt das Wasser und beleuchtet die Szene in verschiedenen Blautönen.

    In the context of digitalization, organizational development is crucial to making companies flexible and adaptable so that they can react quickly to technological changes. It helps to optimize structures and processes, to integrate employees and to promote a culture of continuous learning and innovation. From our many years of experience, we know that transformation processes should be complemented by organizational support. What do we mean by that? It is not enough to introduce a technological innovation; it must also be accepted by employees.

    Organizational consulting: rethinking leadership and collaboration

    Traditional leadership concepts and working models are pushed to their limits in the digital transformation. This is precisely where our organizational consulting comes in. We support you in adapting leadership and collaboration in your company to the new challenges, thus creating the conditions for successful digitalization.

    • Modern leadership: implementing agile management methods.
    • Effective collaboration: promoting teamwork and communication in digital environments.
    • Organizational structure and processes: flexibility and efficiency through clear structures and processes.
    • Change management: supporting your employees through the change process.

    Our approach to organizational development

    Digitization is changing entire workflows, and this requires advice, especially in management. After all, it is crucial for success to take everyone involved in the process with you. As a digital partner, we advise on the development of your organization – that is why we support you in process development, skill management and IT strategy.

    • Process development: We are happy to support you in developing new processes and further developing them together with you – in line with your digital transformation and the associated requirements.
    • Skill management: Change requires new skills. These can be learned or taught using various methods and tools: leadership workshops to better understand processes and working methods. We offer suitable advice and coaching on leadership and collaboration.
    • IT strategy: This helps to prioritize technological investments, manage risks and maximize IT performance and value. We develop and implement a customized IT strategy.

    As your digital partner, we go the whole way with you.

    Ein kreisförmiges Flussdiagramm zeigt einen fünfstufigen Prozess. Die Schritte sind in grünen Kreisen dargestellt und durch Pfeile verbunden, die den zyklischen Ablauf anzeigen. Die Schritte sind: "Analyse", "Auswertung & Priorisierung", "Lösungskonzeption", "Umsetzung" und "Überprüfung & Abgleich".
    Quick Check OrganizationAnalysis, evaluation and prioritization
    • Individual target setting in the kick-off workshop
    • Detailed analysis phase
    • Recommendation and prioritization of work packages and measures
    • Results presentation
    • Incl. revisit after six months: joint review and lessons-learned session
    Further support as neededSolution design, implementation, review & alignment
    • We see the development of an organization as an iterative and incremental process.
    • Solutions are designed, implemented and evaluated. During the evaluation, we gain new insights that are incorporated into the further design and prioritization.
    • As a reliable implementation partner, we support you with advice and assistance through all phases.

    Marc Riedinger

    Organizational consulting and coaching
    2024 Marc Riedinger