Business Solutions

Smart City

Data science, machine learning and IoT for smart cities
Smart City Header

The targeted collection, processing and analysis of data can optimize a wide range of processes in cities. Furthermore, a large number of services in municipal administration are only possible with the help of data. 
Our experts support you in developing and implementing such systems: data collection, analysis, sensor technology and integration into IoT platforms, the connection of existing data platforms and sources, as well as their utilization for all interest groups.

Become a Smart City with Accso

Smart City Ampel


With the help of a data-based and centralized platform and the application of advanced analytics methods, traffic in Darmstadt can be evaluated. Together with partner companies, Accso took on the design and implementation of an environmentally sensitive and event-oriented traffic management system with traffic control and guidance functions, based on numerous sensors, cameras and modern traffic light systems. 

Smart City Frankfurt
Large German city

Intelligent mobility

In order to strengthen public transport in the future, our customer has set itself the goal of creating a digital infrastructure and accelerating and increasing capacities. With its holistic approach, the city is creating a comprehensive multimodal lighthouse project for the whole of Germany. Accso, together with partner companies, is supporting the implementation of the requirements for multimodal, intelligent, sustainable and digital mobility as the basis for the city's future mobility offering.

Smart City Freiburg


Together with our partner Benz + Walter, Accso is developing and implementing an urban data platform for the city of Freiburg for the city's Smart City model project.

We work with you to develop strategies for implementing a smart city. Get in touch!

Dr. Helena Unger

Partner, Head of Smart Solutions
Your contact for the use of IoT and smart solutions
Helena Unger Raute