Digital transformation

Leadership and Collaboration

Digital transformation requires collaboration. It affects employees, the way they work together, and organizational structures and their management. In this context, managers take responsibility for developing a viable vision for the future and for taking everyone involved with them along the way.
Eine Nahaufnahme einer Honigwabe, auf der zahlreiche Bienen zu sehen sind. Die Wabe besteht aus perfekt geformten, sechseckigen Zellen, die mit goldenem Honig gefüllt sind. Die Bienen sind geschäftig und bewegen sich über die Wabe.

    Digitization is more than just technology

    In the context of digital transformation, we often focus on the digitization of processes, digital products and business models. But that is only one side of the coin.

    The prerequisites and consequences of successful digitization are: 

    • Collaboration: The transparent, cross-disciplinary and agile collaboration of autonomous teams that are aligned with the company's value streams.
    • A digital mindset: an open-minded, interested attitude on the part of those involved towards the changes that digital transformation brings.
    • Change management: The active involvement of stakeholders and the management of change towards the goal, for example through communication measures, workshops and conflict moderation.
    • Digital leadership: An understanding of leadership that enables the aforementioned aspects, develops clear visions for the digital organization and implements them with the stakeholders. These leaders focus on the success factors: networking, openness, participation and agility.

    Collaboration and the role of leadership

    Digital transformation demands a lot from employees, teams and managers. Managers in particular are expected to calmly and confidently steer the organization through the often troubled waters of digital change. The change for employees to think in cross-functional teams instead of in departments, as is usually the case, is also often overwhelming.

    As coaches, we not only develop target images for you, but also actively support you through these phases and jointly develop the skills you need for the transformed organization.

    Agility is not enough – collaboration can be coached

    Whether Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, Team Topologies or unFIX – many companies hope that introducing such approaches will solve the challenges mentioned above. However, disillusionment often sets in quickly because the promised benefits fail to materialize. What happened?

    Frameworks like these are static – they help to develop a target image, but say little about how you can actually achieve this goal. They should be supplemented with dynamic means as part of a digital transformation. In our coaching, we therefore consider your transformation dynamically and on three levels:

    • We improve day-to-day operations through agile methodology, for example, by introducing or strengthening Scrum and Kanban.
    • We optimize organizational structures based on your digitalization strategy, for example, by introducing cross-functional teams tailored to your value streams.
    • We design and support you on the path to your goal, through communication work, training, workshops and coaching at all hierarchical levels – from team to management.

    As a digital partner, we support customers holistically on their individual path to digital transformation.

    Ein Vortragender steht auf einer Bühne vor einem Publikum und präsentiert eine Folie, die sich mit verschiedenen Denkansätzen beschäftigt, darunter divergentes, konvergentes und laterales Denken. Der Raum ist mit Zuhörern gefüllt, die aufmerksam der Präsentation folgen. Links neben der Bühne steht ein Roll-Up mit der Aufschrift "IT-Tage", das auf eine IT-Konferenz hinweist.
    Marc Riedinger has been successfully advising companies on their individual paths to digital transformation for years. In training sessions and workshops, he shares his knowledge of approaches and methodologies and works with customers to create sustainable solutions for their digitalization, collaboration, and leadership.Principal, Marc
    Ein Vortragender steht auf einer Bühne vor einem Publikum und präsentiert eine Folie, die sich mit verschiedenen Denkansätzen beschäftigt, darunter divergentes, konvergentes und laterales Denken. Der Raum ist mit Zuhörern gefüllt, die aufmerksam der Präsentation folgen. Links neben der Bühne steht ein Roll-Up mit der Aufschrift "IT-Tage", das auf eine IT-Konferenz hinweist.

    References of successful transformation projects

    Coaching@Accso – more than just a service

    Marc Riedinger has summarized his expertise from years of coaching experience and written a book. However, this is not a classic field report, but a workbook that accompanies the workshop process step by step. He also makes his resources and workshop tools available free of charge so that everyone can benefit from his expertise.

    Workshop knowledge in 215 pages

    Workshop Mechanics offers a guide for every type of workshop. Readers learn about the four steps of workshop work and what is important in the preliminary discussion, the conception, the moderation and the evaluation of workshops. They get everything they need to plan and moderate workshops with confidence.

    Zwei Personen sitzen an einem Tisch in einem modernen Büro. Eine Person blättert durch ein Buch oder eine Broschüre, während die andere aufmerksam zusieht. Im Hintergrund sind eine Küche und einige Arbeitsplätze zu sehen, die auf eine entspannte Arbeitsumgebung hinweisen.

    vitamin.value – makes value systems visible

    The first simple and free tool to map the values and objectives of any team. Ideal for #transformation #change #coaching #agile

    Eine Person steht vor einer Präsentationsfolie, die verschiedene Punkte zur Motivation und Zielerreichung auflistet. Die Folie erwähnt Aspekte wie das Weglassen von Informationen, die Beschränkung von Zeit und Optionen sowie die Wichtigkeit des erkennbaren Bezugs zum Ziel, um die Motivation der Teilnehmenden aufrechtzuerhalten.

    Marc Riedinger

    Organizational consulting and coaching
    2024 Marc Riedinger