Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection

Successful Digital Transformation of Consumer Services

A comprehensive transformation of services, organizations, and technology. For digital consumer services and improved consumer protection in Bavaria.
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Digital Transformation with Accso

The Bavarian Consumer Center eV and the Bavarian Consumer Service in the KDFB eV offer consumer information, educational opportunities and, above all, advisory services throughout Bavaria. These services are funded by the state, represented by the Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Consumer Protection.

As part of a large-scale initiative by the Free State, these consumer services were digitized to create a more flexible and efficient offering for citizens. The main focus was to strengthen and coordinate the collaboration between the two associations. This was a challenging task, as although both associations offer similar services, they are organized in a very different manner.

We gladly took on this challenge. The Bavarian State Ministry commissioned us to lead this digital transformation— from the digitization of all business areas to the coordination of cooperation and the development of the organizations. This ensured that the technical changes were aligned with the organizational structures, thereby enhancing consumer services across Bavaria.

Transforming Consumer Services in Bavaria: From Analog to Digital, from Separate to Cooperative

A largely analog working environment was transformed into a digital workspace, and previously separate entities became cooperative networks. Through technology implementation, optimized processes, and through our support in developing the associations, consumer services in Bavaria have become more flexible, effective, and efficient.

We achieved this goal together because we consistently considered all areas of the transformation:

  • The need for technical modernisation of all business areas and internal administration
  • The needs of both associations for independence and further development
  • The optimization of structures, workflows, and offerings to respond flexibly and efficiently to consumer needs and expectations
  • The existing framework and funding conditions provided by the Free State of Bavaria
  • The development of knowledge and skills to make optimal use of digital tools – improving service offerings and reducing staff workloads
  • Communication and support services to ensure a smooth and secure transition for all involved
  • Practical support to the associations through strategic decision-making, evaluations, and procurement matters

Success Through Organisational Development, Workshops, and Coaching with Accso

We have accumulated knowledge and shared our expertise through multiple assessments to help organizations make the most effective strategic decisions. We established and reinforced cooperation, negotiated framework conditions. Through workshops, coaching, and conflict mediation, we sustainably strengthened collaboration: Within the associations, across organizations and between the associations and contracted technical service providers.. By actively involving employees at all hierarchical levels, we ensured broad support for the transformation within the organisations.

We are thrilled and proud to have supported this digital transformation from the beginning and to have contributed to its success!

“The key to this successful transformation was a systemic, co-creative approach: we developed solutions together, focusing on the organizations, communication, and cooperation among the participants. The new digital system landscape now serves the organizations, not the other way around.”Marc Riedinger, Marion Bless, Delia JugelProject team, Accso

Digital Transformation – Focusing on People

Digital transformation is much more than just technical structure and development. Digital solutions are designed by people for people and affect their workflows, business areas, and sometimes even entire organizations. That is why we provide holistic consulting for transformations, considering people, technology, and business equally.

Adam Wayland

Partner and Managing Director
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