
Dr. Harald Haller

1060 x 710 Haller Harald

Harald Haller has been supporting the development of Accso's business in southern Germany since January 2024. In his activities, Harald Haller has a strong focus on innovative projects that advance customers and create competitive advantages. His areas of specialisation include artificial intelligence/machine learning, the Internet of Things, Industry 4.0 and intelligent user interfaces.

Dr Harald Haller studied mathematics at the Technical University of Munich and the University of California, Santa Barbara and received his doctorate in smart materials from the Technical University of Munich in 1997. After many years as a software engineer, architect and manager at sd&m and Capgemini, he joined Zühlke Engineering in 2011, where he worked as Business Unit Manager and Director Business Development. From 2015, he helped build up the business in the automotive sector at PENTASYS and AUSY Technologies (now Randstad Digital) and was responsible for the telecommunications, media, manufacturing, retail, life sciences and public sectors as well as the Swiss subsidiary.