Dr. Wulf Oberschulte

Wulf Oberschulte has been with Accso since 2013 and has more than 25 years of experience as an IT consultant. He has focussed on advising customers on the implementation and introduction of customised solutions to support their core processes. His expertise includes software development, design and project management. He has been a partner at Accso for over 10 years and has made a significant contribution to the company's development as a project manager and account manager. He supports customers from the financial, healthcare and public sectors.
He is involved in the PM community in order to contribute his experience and combine the new content of agile working methods. Wulf Oberschulte wants to contribute his insights and lessons learnt to Accso and enjoys working on difficult projects. Sooner or later, every project comes to a critical situation and it is exciting to take the right measures and ensure success for the customer.
As team leader, Wulf Oberschulte is responsible for the Frankfurt office.