11. Jul 2024
AccsoTalk with Bar Schwartz (Change Management)

Bar helps companies through change processes and also empowers those involved as a coach and trainer. She also describes her experiences and approach in her book " Leadership in a Time of Continuous Technological Change". She also trains transformation leaders and agile coaches, certified by the International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile).
She explains in our interview:
- Why the transfer of knowledge and experience plays an indispensable role in change and how it can succeed.
- How psychological safety succeeds in strengthening the ability to act.
- What role playful techniques can play in making change easier for people.
Bar also addresses the importance of fields of action: The distinction between things that I can influence myself and those that are out of my control. A very simple and practical method for this is the Circle of Control, which I described in the article " Teams aus der Opferfalle locken" (german).
Enjoy watching!
You can also watch Bar's presentation "Learning for Agile from Extreme Crisis", which we refer to at the beginning of the interview, in full length on YouTube.
How do you deal with change in your organisation? And do you consider aspects to be important that we did not address in the interview? Feel free to get in touch!