03. Jul 2024

AccsoTalk with Manuel Pais (Team Topologies)

The desire for long-lasting productivity is understandable, but it doesn't always align with the number of employees and the complexity of existing tasks. Cognitive overload can be a consequence, endangering the productivity and health of the employees. I had the opportunity to discuss this with Manuel Pais at AccsoCon 2024.
2024 Marc Riedinger


Marc Riedinger

Zwei Personen stehen in einem modernen Raum und unterhalten sich, während sie von einer Kamera gefilmt werden. Der Raum ist mit Pflanzen dekoriert, und im Hintergrund hängt ein Kunstwerk an der Wand. Die Szene wirkt professionell und fokussiert sich auf das Gespräch, das möglicherweise für ein Interview oder eine Videoaufnahme stattfindet.

Manuel is an IT consultant from Madrid and has been world-renowned since he and his co-author Matthew Skelton published the book " Team Topologies" in 2019. This approach enables a flexible design of teams and their interactions along the value streams of a company. The level of cognitive load is a key factor in this. Even after the publication of the book, this topic has continued to captivate both authors. 

In our conversation, Manuel explains:

  • Why the topic is relevant for IT teams and organizations.
  • How cognitive load can affect productivity and what influence leaders have on it.
  • How cognitive load can be measured and how this can help improve the productivity and health of teams and employees.

In my article " Cognitive Load und Teambildung“ (in german) I focused on cognitive load when forming new teams. This conversation is more about the cognitive load in the everyday life of existing teams and how it can be concretely reduced. Therefore, the article and the conversation with Manuel Pais complement each other.

Enjoy watching!

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We talked several times about a tool to make cognitive load and its drivers visible. It's called Teamperature and is currently available for free in its beta phase.

How are you and your teams dealing with cognitive load? Have you found other ways to keep your teams productive and healthy? Feel free to text to me!