29. Sep 2023

The .NET Community Connects

Highlights from Accso Cape Town's Latest Meetup
Managing Consultant


Leroux van As

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Accso Cape Town, known for fostering vibrant connections within the tech community, hosted another successful .NET community Meetup last night. The agenda was rich and diverse, featuring presentations from Microsoft veterans and other respected industry professionals. The meeting offered valuable insights into the latest developments in AI and .NET programming.

The event kicked off with a warm welcome from the community organizers, setting a friendly, collaborative tone for the evening. This was followed by an in-depth exploration of the announcements from the recent Microsoft BUILD conference. The attendees got a comprehensive rundown of the latest developments in client and mobile technologies, the integration of AI into developer workflows, and intriguing uses of ChatGPT, GitHub Co-Pilot X, and Open AI services. Notably, the latest AI innovations added to the Power Platform were also dissected, providing attendees with tangible takeaways to implement in their projects.

Our keynote speaker for the evening was Matthew Leibowitz, Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. Matthew’s engaging talk gave the audience invaluable insight into the intricate workings of the .NET and Azure-based AI ecosystems. His expertise on Microsoft’s platform added depth to the conversation, sparking insightful discussions amongst the participants.

Carike Botha, a Development Consultant at iSolve Business Solutions, then took the stage, offering a wealth of knowledge on a range of technologies. Her focus on the Power Platform, Azure, and other Microsoft tools illuminated how these platforms can be harnessed to their full potential in contemporary software solutions. Her session offered practical insights and sparked meaningful conversations about the potential for these tools in various applications.

The event concluded with an enlightening presentation from Allan Pead, a Microsoft Developer Technologies MVP, Microsoft Azure MVP, Microsoft Internet of Things MVP, and Xamarin MVP. Allan's extensive knowledge and experience across various Microsoft technologies provided an overarching view of the practical implementation of these tools, particularly within the context of IoT and mobile app development.

And of course, it wasn't all technical talk. In true Accso Cape Town fashion, the evening concluded with a relaxed networking session, complete with swag, cake, cookies, and plenty of opportunities to connect.

This Meetup exemplified what Accso Cape Town stands for - a thriving, engaged community of professionals passionate about technology and continuous learning. For those who missed out, rest assured there are many more such events in the pipeline. We are excited to continue fostering this platform for learning, networking, and sharing within the .NET community.

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