12. Mar 2024

Women @ Accso – Margarita Fidyaeva

In our "Women @ Accso" series, female colleagues introduce themselves and provide insights into their day-to-day work. Which projects are special to them? What are their technological focuses? Today with Software Engineer Margarita (Rita) Fidyaeva
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Margarita Fidyaeva

20240312 Women Rita

Who are you and what do you do at Accso?

I am Rita. I started at Accso almost exactly five years ago. I've worked on programming projects in all kinds of industries except insurance so far. I was in logistics, I was at a bank, then I was back in logistics. And now I'm working on a project for the City of Munich for a social housing platform.

What do you do at Accso and what is your technical focus?

I started as a junior and then improved step-by-step to become a senior software developer. I don't actually come from a computer science background, I come from mathematics. At first I did something in the direction of business analytics, but then I realized that writing code is more fun and applied to Accso. In fact, I developed the technical side because it fits very well with what I studied.

What do you stand for at Accso? Do you focus on specific topics or technologies?

In general, I take on anything that lies within my area of expertise.
I've been working in logistics for quite a long time and almost always - not just as a developer. That's why I know my way around. If a project comes from this area, I'm happy. If not, I'm just happy that I can develop Java and learn something new.

Is there a project that was special for you during your time at Accso?

I liked almost all the projects and I can't say which one was the best. They were all different.

I learned a lot from a Deutsche Bahn project, for example. It was a very big project and it was great for me as a junior.

The team on the subsequent project at a bank was great. It was international, we worked a lot with people in Slovakia. That was team spirit!

Then there was a small project for six months where there were only two of us. Our aim was to accompany a subsystem from start to finish. We did it, the two of us built the release. The customer was satisfied. It was definitely a great experience! Being responsible for a project from start to finish was something I'd never done before.

With the current project, I can finally see what I didn't learn during my studies. There is a lot of old technology from the 1990s and 2000s in use. We are trying to update it so that it works with the latest Java versions or the latest frameworks. Not everyone likes working with old technology, but it definitely makes sense for me. I started with Kotlin, then moved on to Java 11. I had never seen Java 8, for example, until this project. Now, like most other senior software developers, I can say: "I know Java 8".

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