11. Mar 2024

Women @ Accso – Xenija Neufeld

In our "Women @ Accso" series, female colleagues introduce themselves and provide insights into their day-to-day work. Which projects are special to them? What are their technological focuses? We start with Managing Consultant Xenija Neufeld.
1060 x 710 Dr Neufeld Xenija


Dr. Xenija Neufeld

20240311 Women Xenija

Who are you and what do you stand for at Accso?

I am Xenija and have been with Accso for 4 years. I am now a Managing Consultant in the Machine Learning department. I am also co-leader of the Data Science and Machine Learning Community. I am also responsible for human resources in our team and I support young women in IT and act as a mentor for female students.

What is your (educational) background?

I studied computer science at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg and then completed my doctorate in the field of AI in the video games industry. My doctorate focused on the coordination of multiple agents, task planning and execution. I now support theses myself and am available for guest lectures in the field of machine learning.

What is your technological focus?

I am passionate about artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science and software engineering and support our customers with their AI and ML-based projects. In doing so, I apply my experience from my time in the games industry. Working at Accso is special for me because we can do both software engineering and implement the products directly in the customer's core business.

Which project was special for you during your time at Accso?

A special project for me is the further development of recommendation systems in the ZDF media library. Here I was able to contribute my expertise from research to the further development of solutions in cloud environments through to commissioning. The combination of research and development in customer projects always inspires me.

More about Xenija's focus on AI at Accso


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